Intermediate Python: Generators, Decorators and Context managers - Part I


Ayan Das


November 25, 2018

Welcome to the series of Intermediate Python tutorials. Before we begin, let me make it very clear that this tutorial is NOT for absolute beginners. This is for Python programmers who have familiarity with the standard concepts and syntax of Python. In this three parts tutorial, we will specifically look at three features of Python namely Generators, Decorators and Context Managers which, in my opinion, are not heavily used by average or below-average python programmers. In my experience, these features are lesser known to programmers whose primary purpose for using python is not to focus on the language too much but just to get their own applications/algorithms working. This leads to very monotonous, imparative-style codes which, in long run, become unmaintainable.

Python is unarguably the most versatile and easy-to-use language ever created. Today, python enjoys a huge userbase spread accross different fields of science and engineering. The reason for such a level of popularity is unarguably because of the dynamic nature of Python. It is almost the opposite of bare-metal languages like C++, which are known to be stongly typed. Python is able to achieve this dynamicity by the virtue of very careful and elegent design decisions made by the creators of Python in the early days of development. At the end of this tutorial, the reader is expected to get a feel of Python’s dynamicity.

Part-I will be all about Generators

What are Generators :

Here is a motivating example - a very basic program

for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:

In the above program, a “list object” is created in memory containing all the elements and then travarsed as the loop unrolls. The problem with such approach is the space requirement for the list object - specially if the list is large. An efficient code would never leave a chance to take advantage of the fact that consecutive elements of the list are logically related. In this case, the logical relation being list[i+1] = list[i] + 1.

Without knowing anything about Generators, one can come up with an efficient solution of this problem by setting up a generation process which will generate one element at a time using the logical relation. It may sound complecated at first, but it’s as easy as this:

i = 0
while i < 10:
    i += 1

The way Generators work, is no different than this. The only thing you need to know is the syntactical formalism. And here, Python introduces a new keyword called yield. Without complicating things at this moment, the primary purpose of yield is to “halt the execution of a function (somewhere) in the middle while keeping it’s state intact”. The state of a function at a certain point of time refers to the objects (names and values) present in it’s immediate scope.

So, let’s write a little Generator (using yield) for our previous example and then describe how this definition of yield solves our problem.

So, here it is:

def generator(upto):
    i = 0
    while i < upto:
        yield i
        i += 1

See, it is basically the same code, just wrapped in a function (that’s important). The other difference is to use yield i instead of print(i). It is to offload the usage of the generated elements to the caller/client who requested the generation. yield i basically does two things - it returns it’s argument (i.e. the value of i in this case) and halts the execution at that yield statement.

Although it looks like a normal function, but the invocation of Generator is a little different. Using the yield keyword anywhere inside a function automatically makes it a Generator. Calling the function with proper arguments will return a Generator object

>>> g = generator(10)
>>> g
<generator object generator at 0x7f3cc9219fc0>

and then, the caller/client has to request for generating one element at a time like

>>> next(g) # next(...) is a built-in function
>>> next(g)
>>> g.__next__() # same as "next(g)"

Starting from the beginning, everytime next(g) or g.__next__() is called, the function keeps executing the code normally until one yield is encountered. After encountering an yield, the argument of the yield is returned as a return value of next(g) (or g.__next__()) and waits for another invocation of next(g). So, the generation process remains alive because of the while loop inside the Generator. Although it is totally possible to NOT have a loop in a Generator at all. You may have code like this as well:

def generates_three_elems():
        yield 1 # <- returns 1 and execution halts for the first time
        yield 2 # <- returns 2 and execution halts for the second time
        yield 3 # <- returns 3 and execution halts for the third time

The obvious question now is, “What will happen when the while loop finishes and the control flow exits the Generator function ?”. This is precisely what is used as the condition of exhaustion of the Generator. Python throws a StopIteration exception when the Generator exhausts. The caller/client code is supposed to intercept the exception:

g = generator(10)
gen_exhausted = False
while not gen_exhausted:
        elem = next(g)
        # use the generated elements
        do_something_with( elem )
    except StopIteration as e:
        gen_exhausted = True

OR, equivalently, the caller/client code may use Python’s native foreach construct which internally takes care of the exception handling

for elem in generator(10):

Both versions will produce the same output:


Interfere into the Generator:

There are couple of lesser known usage of the yield keyword, one of them being a way to interfere/poke into the generation process. Essentially, yield can be used to introduce caller/client specified object(s) into a generation request. Here is the code:

def generator(upto):
    i = 0
    while i < upto:
        r = yield
        yield i + r
        i += 1

The way to generate elements now is:

>>> g = generator(10)
>>> next(g); g.send(0.1234)
>>> next(g); g.send(0.4312)
>>> next(g); g.send(0.5)

Let me explain. The yield keyword in the r = yield statement will evaluate to be the object sent into the generator using g.send(...). Then the value of r is added to i and then yielded as usual which comes out of the generator via the .send(...) method. Also notice that we now have to make some extra effort of executing one next(g) before we can get the element from .send(...); it is because the yield i + r statement halts the execution but we need to get to the next r = yield statement before g.send(...) can be executed. So basically, that extra next(g) advances the control flow from one yield i + r statement of one iteration to the r = yield statement of the next iteration.

Interrupt the generation process with Exceptions:

Instead of .send(...)ing object(s) into the generation process, you can send an Exception and blow it up from inside. The g.throw(...) is to be used here:

>>> g = generator(10)
>>> next(g)
>>> g.throw(StopIteration, "just stop it")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in generator
StopIteration: just stop it

What g.throw(NameOfException, ValueOfException) does is, it (somehow) penetrates the generator body and replaces the r = yield statement with raise <NameOfException>(<ValueOfException) which blows up the generator and the exception propagates out of it as usual. As you might have guessed, it is possible to catch the exception by building an exception handler around r = yield, like so:

def generator(upto):
    i = 0
    while i < upto:
            r = yield
        except StopIteration as e:
            print('an exception was caught')
        yield i + r
        i += 1

Delegating Generators:

Another lesser known but fairly advance usage of yield keyword is to transfer/delegate generation process to another generator(s).

def generator(upto):
    i = 0
    while i < upto:
        yield i
        i += 1

def delegating_gen():
    yield from generator(5)
    yield from generator(3)

Look at that new yield from syntax. It does exactly what it literally means. Invoking delegating_gen() will create a Generator object which, on generation request, will generate from generator(5) first and then hop onto generating from generator(3). As you might have guessed, the delegating_gen() function will be (internally) converted into something like this:

def delegating_gen():
    for elem in generator(5):
        yield elem

    for elem in generator(3):
        yield elem

Both versions of delegating_gen() above will produce the same result:

>>> for e in delegating_gen():

0 # <- generation starts from "generator(5)"
4 # <- "generator(5)" exhausts here
0 # <- generation starts from `generator(3)`
2 # <- "generator(3)" exhausts here

The __next__(..) and __iter__(..) methods - The Iterator protocol:

A regular class can also be set up to behave like a Generator. A class in Python is a generator if it follows the iterator protocol which expects it to implement two specific methods - __next__(self) and __iter__(self). The __next__(self) method is the way to get one element out of the generator and the __iter__(self) methods acts as a switch to start/reset the generator. Here is how it works:

class Series:
    def __init__(self, upto):
        self.i = -1
        self.upto = upto
    def __iter__(self):
        self.i = -1
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        self.i += 1
        return self.i

>>> s = Series(10)
>>> s = iter(s) # starts the generator
>>> next(s) # generates as usual
>>> next(s)
>>> next(s)

As one can easily infer from the code snippet that our familiar next(..) built-in function essentially calls .__next__(..) member function of the object and the newly introduced iter(..) built-in function calls the .__iter__(..) function.

Almost all real life generator classes have a very similar __iter__() function. All it has to do is reset the state of the object and returns itself (self). It looks more or less like this:

class Generator:
    # .. __init__() and __next__() as usual

    def __iter__(self):
        # resets the state of the object
        # ...
        return self # almost always

That is pretty much all I had to say about Generators. Upcoming Part II will be all about Decorators.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Das, Ayan},
  title = {Intermediate {Python:} {Generators,} {Decorators} and
    {Context} Managers - {Part} {I}},
  date = {2018-11-25},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Das, Ayan. 2018. “Intermediate Python: Generators, Decorators and Context Managers - Part I.” November 25, 2018.