Intermediate Python: Generators, Decorators and Context managers - Part II


Ayan Das


December 14, 2018

In my previous post, I laid out the plan for couple of tutorials in the same series about intermediate level Python. This series of posts are intended to introduce some of the intermediate concepts to the programmers who are already familiar with the basic concepts of Python. Specifically, I planned to ellaborately describe Generators, Decorators and Context Managers, among which, I have already dedicated a full-fledged post on the first one - Generators. This one will be all about Decorators and some of it’s lesser known features/applications. Without further I do, let’s dive into it.

What are Decorators ?

Simply put, Decorators are functionals which transform one function to another. In principle, Decorators can perform quite complex transformations, but the specific type of transformation Decorators are mostly used for is wrapping, i.e., it can consume one function (normal python function) and put some code around it, like so

def foo(*args, **kwargs):
    # .. definition of foo()

can be transformed into

def transformed_foo(*args, **kwargs):
    pre_code(*args, **kwargs)
    foo(*args, **kwargs)
    post_code(*args, **kwargs)

Here, pre_code(...) and post_code(..) signify arbitrary code blocks which executes before and after the foo(...) function, respectively. Hence, the name Decorator - it “decorates” a given function by wrapping around it. Point to note hete is that the pre_code(..) and post_code(..) may have access to the parameters intended to be passed into the original function foo(..).

At this point, a typical example of the Decorator syntax would have been enough to end the discussion, but it is important to grasp few more concepts on which the idea of Decorator relies on.

Concept of closure and non-local variables:

Closure typically appears in the context of nested functions (function inside the scope of another function). A Closure or Closure function is basically a function object that “remembers” the objects in its defining scope. Those objects are called non-locals to the closure. The cannonical example to describe Clousre and non-locals is:

def outer():
    ver = 3.6 # <- non-local to inner()
    lang = 'Python' # <- non-local to inner()

    def inner():
        # inner() has access to 'ver' and 'lang'
        print('{} {}'.format(lang, ver))


If we call inner() inside the outer() function, the result will not be of any surprise as it is equivallent to defining a function (i.e., inner()) and calling it in the global scope. BUT, what if the inner function object (it is a function object untill we call it with () syntax) is returned and taken outside its defining scope (i.e., outer()) and then called ?

def outer():
    ver = 3.6 # <- non-local to inner()
    lang = 'Python' # <- non-local to inner()

    def inner():
        # inner() has access to 'ver' and 'lang'
        print('{} {}'.format(lang, ver))

    return inner # <- returns the 'inner' function object

f = outer() # <- 'inner' function object is now out of it's defining scope
f()         # <- and then called

A programmer with a decent C/C++ background, would be tempted to suggest that this code is erronious because of the fact that the objects inside outer() function (ver and lang) are no longer alive and the inner function object can no longer refer to them when called. NO ! Python is a bit different. Now, let me connect the definitions with the example. The Closure function object inner still have access to its non-local objects (defined in it’s defining scope, i.e., inside outer function) and hence won’t complaint when f (basically inner) is called. The output will be

>>> f = outer() # <- 'f' now points to the 'inner' function object
>>> f()
Python 3.6

To prove the point of inner “remember”-ing the non-locals, have a look at this Python 3-specific way of accessing the non-local objects from a function (object):

>>> f.__closure__[0].cell_contents # <- peeking into inner's memory
>>> f.__closure__[1].cell_contents # <- peeking into inner's memory

Equipped with the idea of Closures and non-locals, we are now ready to see an example of a Decorator.

Defining Decorators :

def decorate(func):
    # 'func' is basically an object in the scope of 'decorate()'
    def closure(*args, **kwargs):
        print('Execution begins')
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print('Execution ends')
    return closure

Syntactically, the definition of a Decorator is no different than the Closure example we saw before. The outer function essentially represents a Decorator which, in this case, takes a function object as input and produces another function object - that does proves my initial claim about Decorators being functionals, isn’t it ? The function object it returns is basically the closure() function which remembers func as a non-local object and hence can invoke it (after print('Execution begins') and before print('Execution ends')).

Now all you need is a function to decorate and applying the Decorator on it, like so

def sum_original(*args):
    s = 0
    for arg in args:
        s += arg
    print('summation result is', s)

sum_transformed = decorate(sum_original)

Invoking sum_transformed(...) will result in

>>> sum_transformed(1,2,3,4,5)
Execution begins
summation result is 15
Execution ends

Python has a cleaner (and almost always used) syntax for decorating a function automatically after defining it. Point to be noted here that the name of the transformed function, in this case, remains same (i.e., sum in the below example). It looks like this:

@decorate # <- this means: go decorate the function after defining it
def sum(*args):
    s = 0
    for arg in args:
        s += arg
    print('summation result is', s)

# Here onwards, 'sum' will behave as the transformed/decorated version of it
>>> sum(1,2,3,4,5)
Execution begins
summation result is 15
Execution ends

An unintended side-effect:

Although it is often not an issue, but an able programmer should know about possible consequences of a feature, if any. Returning a function object has an unintended side effect - it loses it’s name. Python being an extremely dynamic language, it stores the names (identifiers) of objects as a string within it. These names can be accessed by the .__name__ attribute of the corresponding object. Let’s check with a dummy example:

def foo():

>>> foo.__name__

That’s trivial, isn’t it ? Let’s try with our (decorated) sum function:

>>> sum.__name__

Oops, what happened ?

Basically, when we returned the closure function object from decorate(..) function, it still had 'closure' in it’s .__name__ attribute (because it was born with that name). By collecting the function object with new identifier (sum in this case) outside the scope of decorate(..), only the ownership got transferred but the content (all it’s attributes) remained same. So, essentially the sum function object inherited the .__name__ from closure, hence the output.

This can be prevented by decorating the closure function by a standard library defined decorator. This is how it works:

from functools import wraps

def decorate(func):
    @wraps(func) # <-- Here, THIS is the way to do it
    def closure(*args, **kwargs):
        print('Execution begins')
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print('Execution ends')
    return closure

def sum(*args):
    s = 0
    for arg in args:
        s += arg
    print('summation result is', s)

Now, visiting the .__name__ attribute of sum will result in

>>> sum.__name__

Maybe it would be nice to implement the functools.wraps function yourself. I am leaving it to the reader as an exercise.

Decorators with arguments :

Decorators, just like normal functions, can have arguments. It is useful in cases where we want to customize the decoration. In our running example, we may want to change the default decoration messages (i.e. “Execution begins” and “Execution ends”) by providing our own.

To do this, all you need is a function that outputs a decorator. Please notice the subtle difference here - we now need a function that throws a Decorator as return value, which in turn will throw a closure object as usual. Yes, you got it right - it’s a two level nested function:

from functools import wraps

def make_decorator(begin_msg, end_msg):
    ########### The Decorator ##################
    def decorate(func):                        #
        @wraps(func)                           #
        def closure(*args, **kwargs):          #
            print(begin_msg) # <- custome msg  #
            func(*args, **kwargs)              #
            print(end_msg) # <- custome msg    #
        return closure                         #
    ########### The Decorator ##################

    return decorate # <-- returns the "Decorator function"

@make_decorator('the journey starts', 'the journey ends')
def sum(*args):
    s = 0
    for arg in args:
        s += arg
    print('summation result is', s)

Here, the begin_msg and end_msg will act as non-locals to the decorate(..) function. Invoking sum(..) will result:

>>> sum(1,2,3,4)
the journey starts
summation result is 10
the journey ends

Class Decorators :

Much like functions, classes can also be decorated, and guess what, the syntax is exactly same (the @... one). But Class decorators, in functionality, are much flexible and powerful as they can potentially change the structure (definition) of the class. To be precise, class decorators can add/remove/modify class members as well as the special functions (__xxx__ function) from a class - in short, they can take the guts of the class out or replace them. They have a very common implementation pattern and this is how they look like from a higher level:

def classdecor(cls):
    # input is a 'class'

    cls.static_attr = new_static_attr # add/modify static attribute
    cls.member_func = new_member_func # add/modify member functions

    return cls # return the 'cls'

IMPORTANT point to note: The Class decorators work on the class definition and not on objects/instances (of that class). The class decorators run before any instance of that class has ever been created. So, this is how syntactically it looks like and how internally it’s expanded:

class Integer:
    # ...

is converted to

Integer = classdecor(Integer)

Now I would conclude with a complete example (and it’s explanation) on how class decorators can be used.

def decorate(func):
    # Looks familiar ? This is our good old function decorate :)
    def closure(*args, **kwargs):
        print('member function begins execution')
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        print('member function ends execution')
    return closure

# This is the "Class decorator"
def classdecor(cls):
    # decorates the ".show()" member function with "decorate" = decorate(
    return cls

class Integer:
    def __init__(self, i):
        self.i = i
    def show(self):

As you can understand the point of this class (i.e., Integer) - a simple abstraction on top of int. The class decorator is basically consuming the class, replacing it’s .show() function with a decorated version of it and returning it back. So, whenever I call .show(), this is gonna happen (I think the reader can guess the output):

>>> i = Integer(9)
>>> j = Integer(10)
member function begins execution
member function ends execution
member function begins execution
member function ends execution